Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Childbirth/Breastfeeding classes?

Lately I've been thinking about looking into childbirth classes 
and/or breastfeeding classes.  

You hear a lot about them, 
but I've never really heard what people think about doing them.

Do you guys that have done either one of them think they were really helpful, or really just unnecessary?


1 comment:

  1. Yes! SO HELPFUL! Try to get a childbirth class where you are going to give birth. Ours was free at our hospital and then they gave us a tour of the facilities and it was helpful to know where to go/what it is going to look like.

    Also, breastfeeding is not always as simple as it seems...take a class and if you are having trouble once the baby gets here, there are lactation specialists that are wonderful! Don't be afraid to ask for help.
