Saturday, February 23, 2013

My pregnancy: Week 21!

 This week was the "second half" of our anatomy scan
(the first time, baby wouldn't turn, so they couldn't get the measurement of his spine).
It was a great time!
I always love getting to see him again.

We got to our appt and went into the ultra-sound room with an intern 
(I'm assuming they had the intern come in because they thought it'd be simple since they only needed one measurement) who said the tech would come in later to make sure she got the correct measurements.

After about 20 minutes of the intern trying
to get the measurements, she eventually called the tech in to help, since she was having so much trouble getting any good pictures
(she was moving it so much I couldn't really tell why it was so hard for her, but then found out why when the tech came in).
The tech came in, and spent a while trying to get a good picture of his spine. 
He was not making it easy for her!
It looks like we have a major wiggler!
He was constantly kicking and moving around.
Every time she'd almost get a good view of his spine, he's flip over completely onto his other side on the other side of my uterus...
so she'd try to get a good picture from that side,
and he'd switch back to the other side.
 It was pretty funny to watch.
The tech kept asking me if I feel him a lot already because he was moving around so much.
That explained a lot for me, since I heard that first time moms don't usually feel the baby very much until 18-22 weeks,
and even then, don't feel very much for a while.
I've been feeling him since 16 weeks,
very regularly since 18,
now... I feel like he never stops moving.
I love feeling it, but it's so distracting, hehe. Even John has already felt him move a few times.

Here's a picture of my 21 week bump

Here's some pictures from the anatomy scan. 
I can't get over how cute he is, and how much more he's developed in just the last 2 weeks.
I can't wait to hold him in my arms! :) 

My symptoms at this point are minimal.
I have had a lot of pain in my ab muscles 
(the doc said this is normal for a first time mom, since those muscles aren't used to stretching so much).
Other than that, and just being generally more tired, I've been feeling great!
Which is a welcome change after being so sick from weeks 7-15.
   I'm starting to finally feel like I actually look pregnant,
not just like I have a fat belly.

Lately I've been also having MAJOR spring fever.
I can't wait to go outside and walk at the beach in nice weather, with no coat and flip flops.
I can't wait to wear comfy maxi dresses,
and have long hours of daylight.
I keep telling myself that we're done with 2 months of winter,
so there's only 1 to go.
Spring will be here soon, but it just doesn't feel soon enough.

I'm sooo looking forward to this year.
We have so many fun plans for the spring,
then, come the beginning of summer, we will be learning how to "do life" as a family instead of a couple.
A change that I'm sure will have it's overwhelming times,
but I'm sooo looking forward to!

Bring on the Spring! :)


Friday, February 8, 2013

We're having a....

Today was our ultrasound and before I get to how it went I'll start off with some predictions.

 According to Old Wives Tales I should be having...

1) Am I carrying high or low?  Well, so far I'm not that big and it's hard to tell, but it seems like I'm carrying high   
 OWT #1 Verdict: Girl

2) Is baby's heart rate high or low?  At the first appt the heart rate was 165, second was 156, then this week before the ultrasound it was 145.

OWT #2 Verdict: Girl (barely
(above 140 is a girl, under is a boy)  

3) Salty or sweet?  So far I haven't wanted anything salty (except pickles). The main thing I crave is sweet fresh fruit and sweet vegetables.

OWT #3 Verdict: Girl

4) Acne or clear skin? I have been having horrible acne since I got pregnant.

 OWT #4 Verdict: Girl

5) Very sick in first tri or not very sick? I was very sick in my first trimester.

OWT #5 Verdict: Girl

6) Spicy or Sour? I haven't wanted anything with any spiciness at all, but I've been snacking on fresh lemon slices and loving it!

OWT #6 Verdict: Girl

7) Graceful or clumsy? Very clumsy, (but haven't I always been? lol)

OWT #7 Verdict: Boy (Wow, finally!!)

8) Craving protein (meat & cheese)? Nope... actually I have aversions to almost every protein rich food.

OWT #8 Verdict: Girl

Chinese Gender chart says:    Girl!

And now for what the ultrasound (the one that matters) says we're having... 

Apparently the "Old Wives"
weren't correct about my baby! :-p 

We planned to do a photo shoot with confetti, but had so much trouble geting
decent pictures in this blizzard.
  Eventually we ended up with a few decent ones.

Baby (now I can say, our little boy, 
instead of just baby! :))
was looking great! Everything measured well
and went awesomely.
 Baby was a total squirm-er, contantly 
moving around,
which explains why I've already felt so much movement even though it's early, (19 weeks) and my first pregnancy.
Even though baby moved a lot, he never turned to get a measurement of his spine,
so we have to go back for another ultra-sound in two weeks to get that measurement.
I don't mind getting the opportunity to see 
him again ;)  

They did a little of the ultra-sound in 4-d which was cool to see, and got an awesome picture! Our boy looks SOOO cute already!!

Here's that picture...

Baby's name will be, continuing (as John so desperately wanted) the family name of 
John Obert Baker V 
( we will call him baby "Jack" :) ) 
I can't believe there will be 4 generations of
"John Obert Baker"s 
We'll have to do a generational photo shoot 
after he's born.  

Sorry we made everyone wait so long for the reveal! The weather was so bad that it took us
2 hours to get home from the ultrasound 
(usually a 20 minute drive).

I can't wait to meet our little boy now! :)